Layoffs, Cutbacks, Mass Unemployment

How to Fight Back

In the 1930’s unemployed workers did fight back successfully, winning millions of new jobs in a government jobs program. Learn how they did it and discuss how we can fight back today.

Occupations for Relief:

The Unemployed Workers

Sit-Down Strike


Free Public Slide Lecture and Discussion

(in English and Spanish)

Jeannette Gabriel, Independent Historian

This presentation will describe the coordinated wave of occupations of state capitols throughout the country in 1936 and early 1937 by the Workers Alliance of America: the national organization of the unemployed.  These occupations were in response to states cutting unemployment compensation, due to budget crises.  As a result of these powerful occupations, the federal government was forced to allocate additional funds to the federal government jobs program.

Sunday, May 22, 4:00 PM

187 Lafayette St., Newark NJ

Sponsors: International Luxemburgist Network

NJ Immigrant and Workers Rights Coalition (504) 520-9521